00index.txt this file 3d_dxf minumum requirements for a 3D DXF file by Paul Bourke acr_nema.txt ACR-NEMA standard info (medical images) anim_cel The ANIM IFF Format for CEL Animations - 4 May 1988 anmformt DeluxePaint Animation (ANM) file format + sample code appnote General file format of ZIP 2.x archives by PKWare bicsf BICSF - Berkeley/IRCAM/CARL Sound File system (music) biff.inf notes about BIFF file format binhex4.inf BinHex 4.0 (HQX) format description bmp BMP (BitMaP) graphics file format specification bnk_form.txt AdLib music instrument bank (BNK) file format bwdev201 Blue Wave Offline Mail System Mail Packet File Structures 2.01 ccitt_t4.doc CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4 cd.txt CD-ROM Technical Summary - how data is saved on CD cgm.txt Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) information cmf_form.txt CMF music file format dbasefil.inf dBASE III database file structure dvm_form.txt DVM movie file format (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1) specification dxf_spec AutoCAD Drawing Interchange (DXF) file format specification emd_form.txt EMD module/song format (music) - 14 August 1994 face.txt FaceSaver File Format fits.txt Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) info - 18 October 94 fli_flc.txt Autodesk Animator Flic Files (FLI/FLC) description gif87a.doc Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) specification gif89a.doc GIF89a specification gks.txt Graphics Kernel System (GKS) information glformat GRASP animation file format specification 19 Jan 1991 hpgl.txt Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language (HPGL) information iff.doc "EA IFF 85" standard for Interchange format files iges3.txt IGES 3.0 information jfif102 JPEG File Interchange Format 1.02 - text and PS landsat.inf Satellite image data format - Landsat Thematic Mapper lib_info Microsoft library (.LIB) format lxexe Linear eXecutable Module Format Description - 3 June 1992 midistuf Standard MIDI File Format - info (.MID), specs (1.1), utils modform.lzh ProTracker module (MOD) file format inc. NoiseTracker effects moviebyu.txt MOVIE.BYU geometry file format info mus_form MUS file format (Doom) by V.Arnost - see muspl150.arj (music) musfmt10 computer music formats coll 1.0 - MODs (17), general MIDI, ROL nff.doc Neutral File Format description - draft #1 version 3.0 nistinfo NIST SPHERE Headers Structure nitf.inf National Imagery Transmission Format info objlib OS/2 OBJ/LIB formats (?) (MASM/MSC object file format) off.doc OFF - A 3D Object File Format specification pcx.doc Z-Soft PCX image file format specification pcx2.doc some more PCX format clarification (not from Z-Soft) pds_form Portable Data Specification (PDS) Image Format (overview) pol_ps POL 3D file format specification - for polygonal models (6p) ps16form.lzh PAS 16 file format w/asm source pt23mod Amiga ProTracker 2.3 Module format - the 4ch MOD (music) qwk_15 QWK Mail Packet File Layout 1.5 renderma.txt RenderMAN Interface 3.0 information riffwave RIFF WAVE (.wav) file format rol_form.txt ROL music file format rtfspec Rich-Text Format (RTF) specification 1.0 by Microsoft s3m_form S3M File Format and Mixing Info - Scream Tracker 3.20 (music) scene.inf SCENE file format (3D) draft info - 15 Aug 1994 setext Structure Enhanced (setext) text specification - August 1992 ss0288 .OBJ - Relocatable Object Module Format by Microsoft sun_rast.txt SUN Rasterfile format info targa2.txt Targa (TGA) 2.0 specification information tiff6_ps.lzh Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) 6.0 specification tiff_40.txt Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) 4.0 specification tiff_50.txt Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) 5.0 specification tiff_f.doc TIFF Class F specification tiffjpeg Draft TIFF 6.0 Tech Note #2 - JPEG in TIFF specification ultform Ultra Tracker 1.3 file format by Freejack (music) unitrk The UNITRK(tm) Format - MikMod music library file format vicar2.txt VICAR2 image file format + info vocform2 2 files about VOC file format wavefron.txt Wavefront object format wpg_form.inf WordPerfect Graphics file (WPG) format information xm_form XM module format version $0104 by Mr. H of Triton (music) zipispec.inf Zeta Instrument Processor Interface (ZIPI) info (MIDI related)